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         My journey to improve my fitness over 50

In my late 30's and early 40's I ran and walked half marathons. When I was 44 I injured my knee, which required surgery. 

I was afraid to start running again because "what if it happened again". I used that fear as an excuse to stop exercising, with the exception of walking my dog.

I was gaining weight and losing fitness week by week.  In January of 2018 I decided to take control of my health and get my fitness back on track.

I am turning 50 in July of 2021.  This is a blog of my continuing journey to become the best me that I can be.

Home: Welcome

Strides forward and setbacks...

I'm one workout from finishing my second round of Barre Blend and I finished MBFA a bit over a week ago. I *love* the feeling of...

Me? An online fitness and health coach?

If you had asked me a month ago, much less longer, if I ever thought I would take on the challenge of becoming a coach I would have told...

But... it's not going to work...

Yeah, I've said that before. I've had an inherent distrust in myself and my ability to carry on and finish something I've started. Of...

An overview of my journey so far...

If you go into the waaay back machine, my fitness journey really began in high school. I rowed on the crew team through college. I...

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